Pilot details - McCRAZY
portrait Corporation: Cadre Assault Force
Alliance: This is why we cant have nice things
Kills: 4
Real kills: 3
Losses: 11
ISK destroyed: 0.04B
ISK lost: 0.2B
Chance of enemy survival: 73.33%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 17.58%
Ship class K L
Assault frigate 2 0
Battlecruiser 0 2
Battleship 0 1
Black Ops 0 0
Cap. Industrial 0 0
Capsule 0 3
Carrier 0 0
Command ship 0 0
Covert ops 0 0
Cruiser 0 0
Customs Offices 0 0
Destroyer 0 5
Dreadnought 0 0
Electronic Attack Ship 0 0
Ship class K L
Exhumer 0 0
Freighter 0 0
Frigate 1 0
Heavy assault 0 0
Heavy Interdictor 0 0
Industrial 0 0
Industrial Command Ship 0 0
Infrastructure Modules 0 0
Interceptor 0 0
Interdictor 0 0
Jump Freighter 0 0
Logistics 0 0
Marauder 0 0
Mining barge 0 0
Ship class K L
POS Large 0 0
POS Medium 0 0
POS Modules 0 0
POS Small 0 0
Prototype Exploration Ship 0 0
Recon ship 0 0
Shuttle 0 0
Strategic Cruiser 0 0
Supercarrier 0 0
Territory Modules 0 0
Titan 0 0
Transport 0 0
4 Ships killed (42.72M ISK)
11 Ships lost (200.34M ISK)
17.58% Efficiency (ISK)
All kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Amarr Empire
Kamela (0.4)
Assault frigate
Amarr Empire
Kamela (0.4)
Amarr Empire
Dal (0.4)
Assault frigate
Amarr Empire
Ardar (0.4)
Kill points
Loss points
Total points