Pilot details - Adolf Ehrnrooth
portrait Corporation: Imperial Shipment
Kills: 8
Real kills: 8
Losses: 3
ISK destroyed: 0.36B
ISK lost: 0.13B
Chance of enemy survival: 27.27%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 73.65%
Ship class K L
Assault frigate 0 0
Battlecruiser 0 0
Battleship 1 0
Black Ops 0 0
Cap. Industrial 0 0
Capsule 0 0
Carrier 0 0
Command ship 0 0
Covert ops 0 0
Cruiser 5 3
Customs Offices 0 0
Destroyer 1 0
Dreadnought 0 0
Electronic Attack Ship 0 0
Ship class K L
Exhumer 0 0
Freighter 0 0
Frigate 0 0
Heavy assault 0 0
Heavy Interdictor 0 0
Industrial 0 0
Industrial Command Ship 0 0
Infrastructure Modules 0 0
Interceptor 1 0
Interdictor 0 0
Jump Freighter 0 0
Logistics 0 0
Marauder 0 0
Mining barge 0 0
Ship class K L
POS Large 0 0
POS Medium 0 0
POS Modules 0 0
POS Small 0 0
Prototype Exploration Ship 0 0
Recon ship 0 0
Shuttle 0 0
Strategic Cruiser 0 0
Supercarrier 0 0
Territory Modules 0 0
Titan 0 0
Transport 0 0
8 Ships killed (361.56M ISK)
3 Ships lost (129.34M ISK)
73.65% Efficiency (ISK)
Ships and Weapons Used
Ship Kills
Coercer Coercer
Harbinger Harbinger
Omen Omen
Omen Navy Issue Omen Navy Issue
Bhaalgorn Bhaalgorn
Weapon Kills
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II Focused Medium Pulse Laser II 2
Dual Light Beam Laser II Dual Light Beam Laser II 1
Mega Pulse Laser II Mega Pulse Laser II 1
Kill points
Loss points
Total points