Pilot details - Emporio Briton
portrait Corporation: Aliastra
Kills: 1
Real kills: 1
Losses: 5
ISK destroyed: 0.01B
ISK lost: 0B
Chance of enemy survival: 83.33%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 87.06%
All kills

No data.

Kill points
Loss points
Total points
WARNING [2] gzopen(cache/store/df/ab/dfab5b26b600b989519b1ebe97c70432) [function.gzopen]: failed to open stream: Disk quota exceeded
Error on line 31 in file /home/c/cl27175/www/kb/public_html/common/includes/class.cachehandlerhashed.php
PHP 5.3.29 (Linux), EDK 4.0.4 (Crucible)
File: /home/c/cl27175/www/kb/public_html/common/includes/class.cachehandlerhashed.php, line: 31, function: gzopen
File: /home/c/cl27175/www/kb/public_html/common/includes/class.cache.php, line: 204, class: CacheHandlerHashed, function: put
File: /home/c/cl27175/www/kb/public_html/common/index.php, line: 296, class: cache, function: generate
File: /home/c/cl27175/www/kb/public_html/index.php, line: 27, function: include