Item details - Legion Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration
Legion Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration
From the moment Strategic Cruisers became a reality, there were whispers amongst the scientific community about the potential for advances in cloaking technology. They remained that alone for the longest time, with few involved in the reverse-engineering process willing to share any news of their discoveries. Everyone knew that, should the technology ever become a reality, the capabilities of the new Strategic Cruisers would change overnight.

The Amarrians are suspected to have developed cloaking technology for the Legion around the same time as the first capsuleer designs began to surface. For almost a full week, Minmatar rebel camps deep inside Heimatar and Metropolis were subjected to ruthless guerilla attacks, almost unprecedented in their ferocity and viciousness. Although initially confused by such a marked changed in their opponent’s warfare philosophy, the Matari knew that each target had been a high profile objective for the Amarr Navy, and noted with deep suspicion how all of the squads had been spearheaded by Legions that could hit and fade with alarming ease. Few doubted who was behind the bloodshed. The Amarrians remained silent for the most part, the only official statement; that God’s will had manifested itself in the heart of evil.

Subsystem Skill Bonus:
10% bonus to medium energy turret capacitor use per level

Role Bonus:
100% reduction in Cloaking Device CPU use

Note: can fit covert ops cloaks
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 800,000 kg
Volume 40 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
powergrid Output 0 MW
CPU Output 0 tf
Primary Skill required Amarr Offensive Systems
requiredSkill1Level 1
Drone Capacity 0 m3
Tech Level 3 Level
Capacitor Capacity 0 GJ
Meta Level 1 Level
cloakingCpuNeedBonus 0
Cloak Reactivation Delay 5000 s
Drone Bandwidth 0 Mbit/sec
subSystemSlot 128
Turret Hardpoint Modifier 4 +
Launcher Hardpoint Modifier 0 +
Hi Slot Modifier 5 +
Med Slot Modifier 1 +
Low Slot Modifier 0 +
Restricted to Ship Type Legion
subsystemBonusAmarrOffensive -10
jumpHarmonicsModifier 5