Item details - 650mm Medium 'Jolt' Artillery I
650mm Medium 'Jolt' Artillery I
A powerful long-range cannon. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser.

Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Cargo capacity 0.5 m3
Mass 125 kg
Volume 10 m3
Baseprice 120,000 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
slots 1
Charges Per Cycle 1
Charge size 2 1=small 2=medium 3=l
Primary Skill required Medium Projectile Turret
Secondary Skill required Gunnery
requiredSkill1Level 1
requiredSkill2Level 3
Tech Level 1 Level
Used with (chargegroup) Ammo
Required Thermodynamics Level 1 Level
activation cost 0 GJ
powergrid usage 180 MW
CPU usage 23 tf
Rate of fire 12750 s
Optimal Range 16100 m
accuracyBonus 0
Damage Modifier 5.082 x
Accuracy falloff 19250 m
Trackingspeed / Accuracy 0.0275 rad/sec
Signature Resolution 125 m
Meta Level 6 Level
republicFleetBonusMultiplier 0
heatAbsorbtionRateModifier 0.01
Overload rate of fire bonus -15 %
Heat Damage 1.9 HP
metaGroupID 3
typeColorScheme 11341